VIJAYAWADA: Mumbai-based actress Kadambari Jethwani and her mother arrived in Vijayawada on Friday to lodge a formal complaint with NTR district commissioner of police SV Rajashekhar Babu, seeking action against YSRC leader Kukkala Vidyasagar and a few IPS officers who allegedly foisted false cases against her. She was accompanied by her legal counsel during her visit to Vijayawada city police office.
The doctor-turned-actress has accused the Ibrahimpatnam police of registering a false forgery case against her based on a complaint lodged by Vidyasagar. She alleged that she was threatened to withdraw the sexual assault case she had filed against a Mumbai-based businessman.
During her meeting with the CP, Jethwani reportedly said a fake forgery case was registered against her and her family members in Ibrahimpatnam police station in February. She alleged that YSRC leaders, along with police officials, tried to silence her with intimidation and threats. According to sources, the actress told the CP that she was released on bail only after she agreed to certain conditions.
“The document pertaining to the case was fabricated and my signature was forged. Before the case was registered in Ibrahimpatnam, a few officials from Andhra Pradesh tried to force me to follow their instructions and threatened me with dire consequences,” she reportedly told Rajashekhar Babu.
She complained that several YSRC leaders known to Vidyasagar and other police officers also prevented her from submitting her bail petition in the court for more than a month.
“They tried to put me in jail so that I would comply with their orders. They did not spare even my cousin who lives in Dubai,” she said. Jethwani’s legal counsel Narra Srinivas alleged that three senior IPS officers -- PSR Anjaneyulu, Kanthi Rana Tata and Vishal Gunni -- were behind the entire episode.
Later, the actress and her mother appeared before special investigation officer K Sravanthi Roy and submitted their statements individually.