RAMANAGARAM: The Karnataka Janapada Parishat is seeking help from various mutt’s to help popularise folk art in Karnataka.
Parishat president G Narayana will be writing letters to seers of various mutts to arrange a platform in their mutt premises where the parishat can teach various forms of folk art to youths.
Speaking at the valedictory of a percussion workshop on Wednesday, Narayana said that folk artistes are like devotees who worship folk art.
Janapada Parishat is no doubt giving training to youths from rural part, which is not enough to popularise folk arts, he said, and added that they are now planning to write to all the seers seeking their help in providing a platform for the local youths to learn folk arts like Dollu kunitha, Tamate, Nagaari, Puja kunitha and more in their premises.
“The parishat will bear the expenses of the resource person including travelling allowance, and will go to the students homes to conduct lessons,” he added.
Narayana also said that they are ready to teach elsewhere across the state, provided the seers allow them.
“We are writing to the principals of schools and colleges to allow Parishat artistes to perform in their campuses,” he said.