KALABURAGI: Rain claimed the life of a 60-year-old woman at Chittapur town of Kalaburagi district late on Friday night. This is the first rain-related death reported in the district this monsoon season. The victim has been identified as Arifa Begum who was sleeping in her house situated near Old Gunj area of Chittapur. She died after the roof of the house collapsed, sources told TNSE.
Two other residents of the house Yasmin Begam and MD Ali sustained injuries and were rushed to a hospital in Chittapur. According to sources, the Chittapur fire and emergency services personnel received a call about the house collapse at midnight, who rushed to the spot along with an ambulance.
President of Chittapur Town Municipality and other officials visited the spot and consoled the family members of the victim. Chittapur Tahasildar Umakant Halle said that the next of kin of the deceased will get a compensation of Rs 5 lakh from the government.
He said that four houses partially collapsed in Chittapur town, two in Tarkaspet and one house each in Kadabur and Kundanoor villages of Chittapur taluk in the rains. Meanwhile the sources in the district administration told Express that in all 40 houses in Kalaburagi district were partially damaged due to incessant rains in the last 24 hours. The government will provide a compensation of Rs 10,000 each as per the NFRF and SDRF norms, sources said.