BENGALURU: Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao said on Tuesday that many suggestions have been received to improve the working conditions of doctors in the state. A high-level committee will be set up to go through them and submit a report within a month.
He was speaking after holding a meeting with officials and representatives from the medical fraternity on the measures to be taken to improve the working conditions of doctors. After the Kolkata rape and murder case, many doctors and associations met the health minister and apprised him of lack of security in hospitals.
‘Task force will be set up to act on report’
Representatives from the Indian Medical Association, Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Association - Karnataka (PHANA), Karnataka Private Medical Establishment and other organisations participated in the meeting. “Installation of CCTV cameras on the premises of hospitals, use of mobile application-based technology to improve security and latest technology to send emergency alerts, and installation of emergency panic buttons were some of the major suggestions received during the meeting,” Rao said.
The representatives insisted on police security in hospitals at night, police association with hospital security and fast-tracking of cases of attack on medical professionals, he said. “More than 50% of the staff in the medical field are women. If there is no safety and security, they may not be able to discharge their duties properly.
We decided to set up the high-level committee to go through the suggestions received and submit a report within a month. A task force will be set up to implement the recommendations made in the report,” he said. He said the Karnataka Medical Registration and Certain Other Law (Amendment) Act 2024 notified by the state government has many safety provisions for medical personnel. The Act will be strictly enforced in private and government hospitals. Rao said the committee will also go through the previous reports submitted to the government.