BENGALURU: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) on Thursday submitted a 300-page preliminary chargesheet to a court in Shivamogga in connection with the suicide case of 52-year-old P Chandrashekaran, the Accounts Superintendent of Karnataka Maharshi Valmiki Scheduled Tribes Development Corporation Ltd (KMVSTDCL). However, the chargesheet does not mention the names of any former minister from the Ruling Congress or any MLA. The victim, in his death note had allegedly indicated the involvement of a minister (without naming him) holding him responsible for his death.
The chargesheet states that Chandrasekaran ended his life owing to pressure from JG Padmanabh, Managing Director and Parashuram Durgannanavar, Accounts Officer of the corporation. Both officials, who were suspended, were arrested by the SIT officials.
On May 27, 2024, Chandrasekaran’s wife Kavitha had filed a complaint in the Vinobhanagar police station in Shivamogga district after the suicidal death of her husband at their house in Shivamogga. A case of abetment of suicide (IPC 306) along with other sections was registered by the police. On May 31, the government constituted a SIT in the CID unit to probe the matter.
Chandrashekaran’s suicide exposed the alleged Rs 187 crore scam, which also resulted in the resignation of B Nagendra from the post of minister for tribal welfare. The former minister, who was arrested by the Directorate of Enforcement, is presently in judicial custody.
The SIT had earlier submitted a 3,072-page chargesheet against 12 accused in connection with the case registered at High Grounds police station in Bengaluru in connection with the multi-crore scam in the corporation. Even in that chargesheet, names of Nagendra or Raichur Rural constituency MLA and chairman of the corporation Basanagouda Daddal were not mentioned.
Speaking to media in Shivamogga, Chandrashekharan’s wife Kavitha said, “We do not have trust in the SIT investigation and we will move the High Court. SIT has also allegedly accused my husband too in this issue but he was not part of it. So we demand to handover the case to the CBI. On one side we are in pain of the loss of my spouse while on the other side they are accusing my husband.”