BENGALURU: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Tuesday said the government is investing in technology and innovative solutions to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability in administrative processes. “We have a strong set of e-governance solutions through which we were able to roll out the five guarantees in a record time of less than three months,” Siddaramaiah told NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman Suman Bery.
“Using our direct benefit transfer module, we are transferring over Rs 54,000 crore directly into the beneficiaries’ bank accounts,” the CM said. He explained that their agenda through the guarantees is to provide direct income support to over 12 million families through DBT, of which Rs 2,000 reaches the bank accounts of 1.2 crore women.
Siddaramaiah added that under Gruhajyothi, 1.4 crore households are benefitted, while under Anna Bhagya, 1.2 crore. So far, 280 crore free trips for women have been recorded under the Shakti scheme. A total of 1.31 lakh youth have availed benefits under the Yuva Nidhi scheme. “This is perhaps the largest income support initiative by any state government,” he claimed.
Further, the CM said their work is in line with the objectives outlined by the NITI Aayog and the Government of India. “We believe we are going several steps ahead in promoting inclusion of the bottom 60 of the population, in terms of income, in the development agenda,” he said. Siddaramaiah also said they believe that effective governance is key to achieving development goals. “By adopting e-governance tools and fostering a culture of responsiveness, we aim to improve service delivery and citizen engagement,” he added.