BENGALURU: Following complaints of unauthorised constructions and illegal bore-wells at Sai Serenity Layout in KR Puram and alleged threat to officials by some builders and violators, the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has put up a public notice in the layout appealing to the public to check before buying homes there.
The notice mentions that many unauthorised multi-storeyed residential complexes were constructed without any plan approvals from the BBMP without the required setback areas, parking spaces, drainage systems, sewage treatment plants and rainwater harvesting systems. The BBMP has already sent notices under the BBMP Act 2020to the builders/owners of the high-rise buildings.
The Palike has appealed to those planning to purchase flats in apartment complexes in the locality to thoroughly check the documents.
“Recently some violators Entered into argument and encircled us when we visited for inspection. Flat buyers should check records of the plot before purchasing in the layout coming under KR Pura sub-division, Old Ward No-53, Basavanapura (new No 92),” said a senior engineer. He further added that soon two buildings in the layout will be demolished for a bylaw violation and unauthorised use of ‘B’ Khata land.
Earlier, TNIE reported about unauthorized construction, building bylaw violations, letting sewage into the Yele Mallappa Shetty Lake and also pumping an unauthorized bore-well at Sai Serenity Layout.