MANDYA: A 14-year-old girl died by suicide by hanging at her house in Hanakere village of Mandya on Sunday. The victim has been identified as Impana, a Class 9 student of the Viveka Vidyasamsthe in Mandya.
According to a police complaint filed by her father Srinivas at the Mandya Rural police station, Impana took the extreme step due to harassment by four minor boys. While two boys are from Hanakere village, one is from Kachchigere village and the other is from Mallaianadoddi village. They used to harass the girl to accept the love of one of the students.
For the past two days, the four students used to visit the sports ground where sports event are being held for the students and used to harass the girl. Unable to bear the torture, his daughter died by suicide, Srinivas alleged in the complaint. Mandya Rural police have registered a case and are investigating it.