MYSURU: Chief Minister Siddaramaiah said the meeting of the Chamundeshwari Kshetra Development Authority was conducted as the stay granted by the court on a petition filed by Pramodadevi Wadiyar of the erstwhile Mysuru royal family against the setting up of the authority, was vacated on August 22.
He told reporters that the meeting was held legally. Yaduveer Krishnadutta Wadiyar and Pramodadevi terming the meeting as “illegal” was not true, he said.
Asked about the Justice John Michael Cunha commission report on lapses during the Covid-19 pandemic, he said the commission has submitted the report to the government and it will be tabled before the cabinet to act against wrongdoers. “I have not read the report and I can get back only after going through it,” he added.
Asked about former health minister Dr K Sudhakar terming it a “false report with a political motive”, the CM shot back, “How can Sudhakar know it is false when the contents are not yet disclosed? Sudhakar’s tone suggests that he knows that he has done something wrong. Such comments show his state of mind.”
On the suspension of former MUDA commissioner Dinesh Kumar, he said he has not gone through the orders. The government has ordered a probe into the MUDA scam and action will be taken against one more MUDA commissioner if he is found guilty in the report.