‘50 per cent of  Kerala's transgenders survive on monthly salary of Rs 1,000 or less’

The survey revealed that the number of school dropouts among transgenders increased as they progressed to higher classes, mostly due to social stigma.
Image used for representational purpose
Image used for representational purpose
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3 min read

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Around 50 per cent members of the transgender community survive on a monthly income of Rs 1,000 or less, a survey by the Kerala State Literacy Mission Authority (KSLMA) has found.
While 28.53 per cent of the surveyed had a monthly income between Rs 1,000 and Rs 5,000, 19.46 per cent earned between Rs 5,000 and Rs 10,000 a month.

The survey was carried out among 918 persons from the transgender community to identify those willing to enrol in various continuing education programmes launched by KSLMA.
The survey report was released by Health and Social Justice Minister K K Shylaja in the presence of KSLMA Director P S Sreekala.
The transgender population was spread equally among urban and rural areas. While 18.59 per cent resided in the Corporation limits, the transgenders in municipal and panchayat areas were 32.09 per cent and 49.33 per cent respectively.

Out of those surveyed, 81.3 per cent were trans women (a person assigned male gender at birth but one who identifies oneself as a female). While 18.25 per cent were trans-men (a person assigned female gender at birth but one who identifies oneself as a male), 0.44 per cent fell in the inter-sex category (presence of both male and female reproductive organs in the same individual).

Unemployment Rate

While 20.35 per cent of the transgenders were unemployed, 16.70 per cent worked in the private sector. While 1.65 per cent had government jobs, 5.86 per cent were working in semi-government institutions.
A majority of the people who were employed had not disclosed their distinct sexual identity before society or in any official records.

Over 30 per cent were engaged in some form of self-employment, the survey found.
The survey also revealed six out of 100 transgender persons were engaged in begging and eight out of 100 in prostitution. Over four per cent of the people did not have any documents to prove their identity.
Around 73 per cent had their names enrolled in a ration card. However, most families were reluctant to accept there was a transgender person in the family.

Educational Status

The survey found only 1.2 per cent of the transgenders surveyed were unable to read or write. The number of school dropouts among transgenders increased as they progressed to higher classes, mostly due to social stigma.
While 10.61 per cent dropped out of school between Classes IV and VII,  around 40 per cent dropped out between Classes VII and X.

Among the transgenders surveyed, 26.65 per cent had passed the Plus Two course. While 13.60 per cent transgenders were graduates, 2.10 per cent were post graduates.

The Road Ahead

Around 67.14 per cent of the persons surveyed were keen to enrol in continuing education programmes of KSLMA. The remaining were not willing to enrol for continuing education programmes but KSLMA officers were hopeful of roping them in in the near future.

While 30 per cent of the transgender persons demanded special batches for continuing education, 27 per cent were willing to study in common batches.
While a majority of them are interested in an education system which focuses on health, hygiene, sexual health and law, there were also respondents who wanted to pursue education in arts and sports.

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