THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Lottery department’s Christmas-New Year bumper tickets will create 22 crorepatis. The first prize winner will get Rs 20 crore while the next 20 winners will get Rs 1 crore each. The ticket agent of the first prize-winning ticket will get Rs 2 crore while agents of the second prize-winning tickets together will get Rs 2 crore.
The tickets are available in 10 series. The ticket holders in other series bearing the same 9 digits of the first prize winning ticket will get Rs 1 lakh as consolation prizes.
There will be 30 third prize winners getting Rs 10 lakh each (three from each series) and 20 fourth prize winners pocketing Rs 2 lakh each ( two winners from each series). The bumper offers Rs 400 for the last four digits of the tickets.
The first prize of the previous year’s Christmas -New Year bumper was Rs 16 crore. While the previous year’s bumper gave 3,88,840 prizes, this year the total number of prizes will be 6,91,300. The ticket will cost Rs 400 including 28% GST for each piece.
Pooja bumper
A ticket sold at Kasaragod bearing the number JC 253199 won the Rs 12 crore Pooja Bumper, in a draw held on Wednesday. The tickets bearing the serial numbers JD 504106, JC 748835, JC 293247, and JC 781889 won the second prize of Rs 1 crore each. Ten people will be given the third prize of Rs 10 lakhs each (two in each series), Rs 3 lakh each for five as the fourth prize and Rs 2 lakh each for five as the fifth prize. The result is available at