THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The police department has effected a rejig in its top echelon and appointed Beverages Corporation managing director Yogesh Gupta as the Vigilance head. Yogesh, a 1993 batch IPS officer, has been appointed as Vigilance ADGP and will hold the additional charge of Vigilance director as well. Incumbent Vigilance Director T K Vinod Kumar is set to take voluntary retirement on August 11. State Police Chief Shaik Darvesh Saheb will hold the additional charge of the chairman, Kerala Police Housing and Construction Corporation - a post that will fall vacant as incumbent chairman Ch Nagaraju has been posted as Crime Branch IG, Thiruvanan-thapuram.
Transport Commissioner S Sreejith has been posted as headquarters ADGP, while headquarters IG Harshita Attaluri will be appointed chairman of the Beverages Corporation. A Akbar, Crime Branch IG, Ernakulam, has been appointed the new transport commissioner. J Jayanath, DIG Crime Branch, has been appointed MD of Kerala Police Housing and Construction Corporation.
Thrissur Range DIG Ajeetha Begum has been appointed DIG, Thiruvananthapuram range, while Kannur range DIG Thomson Jose has been posted as Thrissur range DIG. Thomson will also hold the charge of Kannur range DIG.