KOCHI: Lawyer and actor C Shukkur approached the Kerala High Court on Thursday seeking the establishment of a mechanism for collecting funds in the name of Wayanad landslide victims. He emphasised the importance of ensuring the utilisation of the collected funds for the victims without any discrimination.
Additionally, he highlighted the need for a transparent mechanism to ensure that the funds reach the deserving recipients, as there have been past instances of fund misuse by organisations. According to him, various organisations with different political affiliations or religious backgrounds have started collecting funds via bank accounts or apps they have created for the purpose.
“These organisations are trying to mobilise the fund by requesting people to donate money to their account through videos on social media. Moreover, various business groups as well as the Karnataka government and the Congress party has offered to build houses for the survivors. This is happening when the state government is officially mobilising funds from across the world to the CMDRF,” he pointed out.
Shukkur also sought to make necessary rules in the matter of public collection of funds for the victims of landslides or other mishaps and utilisation of the same by various. He further sought a directive to see that the collections made by various organisations and individuals are deposited to the CMDRF or any other account created specifically for the landslides victims under government’s control.
He submitted that the collection of funds by the organisations should be monitored and utilisation of funds should be directed through a centralised fund.