THIRUVANANTHAPURAM : Even as the government added 7,200 Plus-I seats in Malappuram by sanctioning an additional 120 temporary batches in the wake of huge protests over seat shortage, over 2,100 merit seats in the district remained vacant when admissions came to a close. Last year, the number of vacant merit seats in the district was only 279.
In Kasaragod, where 1,080 seats were added after sanctioning 18 temporary batches, the merit seat vacancy stood at 1,309. A total of 8,280 seats were added through the sanctioning of 138 temporary batches in government schools in Malappuram and Kasaragod.
However, the 138 temporary batches were sanctioned just before the second supplementary allotment. This was on the basis of the recommendations of a two-member committee, that was hurriedly constituted when the protests over seat shortage in Malappuram took a violent turn.
Notably, of the 120 temporary batches sanctioned in Malappuram, 59 were in the Humanities stream (3,540 seats) and 61 (3,660 seats) were in the Commerce stream.
Much to the disappointment of students and parents in Malappuram, no batches were sanctioned in the Science stream despite the huge demand.
“The seat vacancy figures prove that the last-minute move of the government to sanction temporary batches in Humanities and Commerce streams has not benefited the students,” pointed out Abdul Jaleel Panakkad, a senior functionary of the Kerala Higher Secondary Teachers’ Union.
He added that a large number of SSLC full A+ holders in Malappuram who did not get seats after the two main allotments took admission in unaided schools fearing that they would not get admission in the subsequent allotments.
“These unaided schools have collected a hefty sum from the students. Since such schools refuse to refund the amount if the students obtain admission to merit seats, many choose to continue in such institutions,” Jaleel pointed out.
Also, a large section of students who have plans to appear for the entrance examinations had already taken admission in leading coaching institutes that combine both Plus-II education and entrance coaching in association with unaided schools, it is pointed out.
Statewide Scenario
Of the 1.91 lakh Plus-I seats in government schools, 1.76 lakh students secured admission, with 15,658 seats remaining unfilled. In aided schools, of the 1.95 lakh seats, 1.85 lakh students secured admission, leaving 9,898 seats vacant. The seat vacancy in unaided schools was the highest at 27,697.