THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The 13-year-old girl from Assam, who went missing from her home in Kazhakootam and was later traced on a train at Visakhapatnam , has expressed her resentment to return to her parents, here. The girl, who was found by the Malayali Samajam workers on the Tambaram Express, told officials that she ran away due to frequent physical abuse by her mother for minor mistakes. She was on her way to her grandparents’ home in Assam when she was found.
The girl is currently in a temporary shelter home under the RPF in Visakhapatnam.
When representatives from the Malayali Association visited her on Thursday with special permission, she said she wished to go to her grandfather’s place. A team of four police officers from Kazhakootam police station travelled to Vizag to bring the child back to Kerala. The team is expected to arrive in Visakhapatnam on Friday morning, where the girl will be handed over to the Kerala Police after being presented before the magistrate at the Child Welfare Committee.