THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Defending the state government on the allegation that it did not act for four years after the Justice Hema Committee submitted its report on sexual exploitation in the Malayalam film industry, CPM state secretary M V Govindan said on Friday that the government has nothing to hide. While explaining the action taken by the police against those from the film industry on complaints from women, he reiterated there is no meaning in alleging that the government had kept the report a secret.
“It was retired Justice Hema who had asked the information officer in the cultural affairs department not to disclose the details of the statements given by women in writing. The government has no role in it,” he said.
The government has not edited or added anything in the report published, he said. “If anyone has any complaint, it can be verified. The police cannot register cases without someone filing a complaint. But the police have acted on the basis of complaints filed by individuals. A prominent actor was jailed in the actress sexual assault case. Cases were registered against two directors separately for sexual harassment. Another case was registered against an actor in a Pocso case,” he pointed out.
Listing out other instances of police action, Govindan said a case was registered against an actor for sexually assaulting an actress after giving a false offer and another case taken against an actor for attempted sexual persuasion. “A case was also taken against a director under the IT Act and one against an advertisement director on the basis of a plea filed by a prominent actress. Another director was booked for continuously dialling an actress,” he said.
Govindan also dismissed the governor’s charge that accusation is being raised against a minister.
‘nothing to hide’
CPM state secy M V Govidan said Justice Hema asked information officer not to disclose details of statements given by women in writing
Government has not edited or added anything in the report published
Dismissed Guv’s charge that accusation is being raised against a minister