KOCHI: Police on Wednesday recorded the statement of the actress who raised sexual harassment charges against actors Mukesh, Jayasurya, Maniyanpilla Raju, and Idavela Babu, and production executives Noble and Vichu, and a lawyer V S Chandrasekaran.
The members of the special investigation team comprising DIG Ajitha Beegum, assistant inspector general G Poonguzhali and two other police officers went to the residence of the victim in Aluva and recorded her statement. After the victim revealed about her ill-experiences while working in the Malayalam film industry since 2009, the SIT members contacted her and persuaded her to file a complaint.
The victim initially drafted a single complaint. But following the direction of SIT members, she submitted seven separate complaints against people who misbehaved with her. “We have started the investigation. It will cover all aspects. All complaints will be probed in detail,” Ajitha Beegum said.
The recording of statements continued till evening. Based on the statement, SIT will recommend registration of FIRs in police stations where the incidents alleged by the complainant took place.
The FIRs are expected to be registered by Thursday. Already around 18 cases have been registered by SIT at various police stations in the state.