Immunoassay analyser lying defunct at SCB

The machine broke down two weeks back and with no action taken to repair or replace it, the department has stopped the diagnostic services.
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CUTTACK: With the sole immunoassay analyser machine lying defunct in the Biochemistry department of SCB Medical College and Hospital here, patients are compelled to get the vital tests done from private laboratories at hefty prices.

The machine broke down two weeks back and with no action taken to repair or replace it, the department has stopped the diagnostic services. There are several types of tests that immunoassay analysers can perform, including cancer markers, infectious diseases, cardiac analysis, therapeutic drug monitoring and allergies detection. 

With the disruption in the service, both outdoor and indoor patients are being forced to get investigations done at private laboratories. “They have to dole out around Rs 4,000 to Rs 10,000 for different tests which they could do free of cost at the hospital,” said an attendant of a patient. SCBMCH Superintendent Prof Lucy Das admitted that some important tests could not be conducted due to the defunct immunoassay analyser machine.  “Steps are being taken to repair the equipment as soon as possible,” said  Das. 

The New Indian Express