COIMBATORE: With rains lashing the city on and off, motorists urged the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation (CCMC) to fill potholes on city roads to prevent mishaps. Activists said the civic body must fix the damaged portions using a wet mix or bitumen layer.
S Manjunath, a motorist from Papanaickenpalayam told TNIE, “Due to the poor condition and potholes on the damaged portions of the road, water gets stagnated and puddles are formed during the rains. As a result, people are unable to spot them when the roads are inundated, slip and fall on the road and sustain grievous injuries. Sometimes, these potholes result in a life loss too. So, to prevent such mishaps, the civic body officials need to immediately repair the road.”
When inquired about it, a CCMC official said, “Currently, many roads are taken for paving works under the TURIP and NSMT schemes across the city and the works are carried out in a phased manner. With several works including 24x7 drinking water, Pillu scheme 3 pipelines, IOCL gas, UGD pipeline and cable installation among others being carried out, the roads will be fixed once the officials complete the works on the respective roads.”