CHENNAI: CM MK Stalin on Friday announced that the DMK-led alliance is targeting to bag 200 seats in the 2026 Assembly polls. Addressing the party’s district secretaries meeting at Anna Arivalayam, he said the government enjoys a good reputation among the people as projects are implemented in such a way that at least one person in each and every house benefits, so grabbing 200 assembly seats is possible.
Considering the party’s electoral gains from the 2019 parliament election to the recently held Vikravandi by-election, he said if they don’t slack, the party would form government in the state, and to prepare for that, they have to start the field work.
During the meeting, the party’s general secretary Duraimurugan released a book titled ‘Then Thisaiyin Theerpu (A Verdict of the Southern Direction)’ penned by Stalin with former Union Minister TR Baalu receiving the first copy.
Meanwhile, confirming that he will leave for the US on August 27 to attract investments, Stalin said he would oversee the organisation of the party’s Mupperum Vizha on September 17, and the party’s preparations for the 2026 polls.