THOOTHUKUDI: A 33-year-old man died after his two-wheeler hit an illegal speed breaker in Teachers’ Colony here on Monday. The deceased was identified as Vipin, a tea shop owner from Thoothukudi. His relatives said the police and civic body are not acting against the culprits responsible for the speed breaker.
Vipin was riding his bike on Sunday night when he hit the speed breaker and was thrown off. He sustained grievous injuries to the head and was admitted to Thoothukudi Medical College Hospital, where he died on Monday.
An inquiry by the Thoothukudi corporation officials revealed that the speed breaker was not set up by them. “It is a concrete bump that was made to cover a hose used to drain stagnant water from a nearby housing plot into a drain. The house owner had not obtained any permission from the corporation to lay down a hose across the road and cover it with concrete,” a corporation official said.
“Vipin, who was the breadwinner of the family, leaves behind his wife and kids — aged 6 and 2.5,” said Arun, Vipin’s relative.