TIRUPPUR: The Tiruppur district police have registered a case against 20 villagers over the hanging of two dogs, including a stray, near Moolanur. The action follows a police complaint filed by an NGO on Sunday.
It is alleged that the dogs killed goats belonging to the villagers on August 24. Sources said the goats were killed by a stray dog and two other dogs owned by K Kittusamy and Murugan, both residents of Kovilmettupudur in Moolanur. A few villagers complained to Kittusamy and Murugan in this regard on Friday,. However, the dogs chased away the goats, enraging the villagers further.
On Saturday, some villagers hanged the stray dog and Kittusamy’s dog. They also beat up those dogs. A video in this regard went viral on social media on Sunday. Following this, M Nagaraj, an executive committee member of a private NGO of Tiruppur, filed a complaint at Moolanur police station on Sunday. Based on his complaint, the police filed a case against 20 villagers of Kovilmettupudur. Further investigations are on.
On Monday, it was alleged that an unknown vehicle hit Nagaraj’s bike while he was riding to Moolanur station on Nathapalayam road. However, he escaped with minor injuries.
Nagaraj said, “My house is located in the Vellakovil area. Some people followed me on Sunday when I was returning home after filing a complaint at the police station. On Monday morning, I was going to the police station to get a copy of the FIR. At the time, an unknown vehicle hit my bike from behind and sped away without stopping. As I fell into a drain I could not notice the vehicle that vroomed past. I have lodged a complaint with the police in this regard too.”
Nagaraj is being treated at the Dharapuram Government Hospital. “Both the complaints are being investigated separately,” Moolanur police said.