CHENNAI: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said the Narendra Modi-led government at the Centre has implemented a host of schemes with allocation of funds to remove barriers to women’s participation across all sectors besides generously making huge allocations for the welfare of women.
The union minister said this while speaking on the topic ‘Women Rising: Unseen barriers in Power, Politics and Otherwise’, organised by the FICCI Flo Chennai Chapter. This was her first public meeting after she assumed the office as union finance minister in PM Modi’s third term.
She said the Modi government has sought to remove various barriers that prevented women from participating and benefitting from nation’s development.
“The number of women directors in active companies has grown more than three-fold over the last decade; while in Tamil Nadu, the number of women directors since 2014 has grown more than 4-fold. Women are also rising in the corporate ladder and in the startup and financial technology space – about 18% of 111 unicorns are led by women in India,” she pointed out.