MULUGU : The Mulugu police on Monday arrested four Maoist sympathisers at Tadvai while the latter were going to Chhattisgarh to meet top Maoist leaders. The arrested were identified as Dabbakatla Suman, Chanda Mahesh, Tatipamula Ramesh, and Chidam Jangudev, all residents of erstwhile Warangal district. The police said the accused named several others who were prepared to join the banned Maoist party. They were going to meet the leaders Haribhushan, Damodar, Rajireddy, and Mylarapu Adelu.
Speaking to mediapersons, Mulugu Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) P Sai Chaitanya said that based on a tip-off, police personnel were lying in wait for the vehicle of the accused on the outskirts of Tadvai. The accused saw them and tried to escape, but were caught and taken into custody.
The accused were carrying information and revolutionary literature for the Maoist leaders. Chaitanya said funds are being collected for the party as per the directions of Maoist leaders to bring about a new revolution against the government.