NIZAMABAD: BRS MLC Kavitha said that the Congress has a history of creating uncertainty and sparking clashes whenever it finds it difficult to compete with the rival parties. She was reacting to the news of alleged clashes that occurred between the workers of the BRS, Congress and BJP in Bodhan when the ruling MLA and party candidate Shakeel Amir was obstructed from campaigning in the Assembly segment.
Addressing the media, she said: “The Congress is not a competitor for the BRS. It is unable to compete with the BRS. That’s why it is creating problems. The Congress has the history of creating uncertainty and sparking clashes whenever it is on the back foot.”
Stating that the Congress creates uncertainty with its own internal issues, she said: “Due to the differences between their own leaders, the Congress suffered within a year of forming government in MP. A similar uncertainty continues in Rajasthan too. The situation is the same in Karnataka, where it formed government just three months ago.”
‘Be wary of Cong’
“People should be wary of the Congress. It sparked clashes in Manthani and Dubbak, and now in Bodhan. They tried to attack the Bodhan MLA because they are unable to digest the fact that the popularity of the BRS and its candidates is increasing by the day, ” she added.
Highlighting the achievements of the BRS government, she said: “In the nine years, the BRS government provided 2.34 lakh jobs as against the 24,000 jobs provided by the Congress in 10 years in the undivided AP, of which Telangana’s share was only 10,000. The Congress claimed that it will provide 2.5 lakh jobs in Karnataka but they did nothing to achieve that goal,” she said while displaying a report published in The New Indian Express.
“Rahul Gandhi said he would make Ballari the jeans capital of the world. But now the situation is such that there is no electricity and the factories are closing down,” she said. According to police, several local body representatives of Yedapally and Jaithapur, and a BRS activist were injured during clashes in Bodhan.