HYDERABAD: Hitting out at Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, TPCC chief A Revanth Reddy on Wednesday likened the BRS supremo to a “gobbling Bakasura” and “hibernating Kumbhakarna.”
Earlier in the day, KCR in Kodangal had claimed that the Congress would be limited to 20 seats in the Assembly. In response, Revanth, while participating in a public meeting in Narayankhed, exuded confidence that the Congress would win 80 seats. “The Congress will not get less than 80 seats. If the party gets fewer number of seats, I am ready for any punishment,” he declared.
Addressing a public meeting in Gajwel, Revanth accused KCR of amassing Rs 1 lakh crore and 10,000 acres of land in and around Hyderabad. “KCR claims he won’t lose anything and will rest at his farmhouse if he loses this election. However, we will drag him out to the market square and recover the Rs 1 lakh crore and 10,000 acres he looted,” he declared.
Stating that KCR has “flown away” from Gajwel to Kamareddy fearing a defeat, Revanth said, “While you (residents of Gajwel) wanted to defeat KCR, he flew to Kamareddy. But, there is a hunter in Kamareddy to defeat KCR.”
Additionally, the TPCC chief said, “Upon learning that I am coming to Gajwel, KCR went to Kodangal today (Wednesday) and accused me of having a foul mouth. I challenge you, KCR. Let us undergo a drunk and drive test (breathalyzer test used to detect alcohol). Then it will be crystal clear as to who has a foul mouth. KCR, are you ready for this challenge?”
He also highlighted the issues concerning the Mallannasagar and Ranganayaka Sagar land oustees, emphasising that he had actively participated in protests on their behalf. Revanth mentioned that despite constituents voting for the BRS supremo twice, the latter had submerged their lands in waters, promising adequate compensation only after Congress made inroads into the region.