HYDERABAD: Congress MP from Thiruvallur constituency (Tamil Nadu) Sasikanth Senthil on Wednesday said that the pluralistic culture of democracy has been increased post the last Lok Sabha elections. He said that the BJP, with a “brute” majority, trampled upon the democratic values.
He was delivering a lecture on “Battling for Democracy: An Insider’s View of 2024 General Elections”, organised by Azad-Nehru study forum, a forum run by the NSUI at the University of Hyderabad.
It is pertinent to mention that Senthil also headed the Congress war room during the Assembly elections in Telangana.
Senthil said that he has joined the Congress as it is a democratic party which believes in discussion and debate, and doesn’t take unilateral decisions.
He said that due to the opposition raised by the Congress and alliance parties, the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, 2024, was sent to the joint parliamentary committee. He also suggested that the student activists take up the fight against caste atrocities, inequality and patriarchy.
Later, he offered tributes to Rohit Vemula, who ended his life due to institutional discrimination, at a shopping complex in the university. Telangana Congress spokesperson Dr Lingham Yadav and S Pranav were present on the occasion.