HYDERABAD: BRS working president KT Rama Rao on Friday alleged that public health has been completely neglected under the Congress government in the state. Rama Rao expressed concern over the worsening health situation, claiming that people were being bedridden due to viral fevers, including dengue, because the state machinery, including the chief minister, had completely abandoned the public health system.
In an open letter to the chief minister, lambasted the Congress government for failing to maintain proper sanitation for the past eight months, which he said has resulted in a severe mosquito problem and the spread of dengue, malaria, and chikungunya, leaving people suffering.
Rama Rao said that the number of patients was increasing daily across the state, whether in rural or urban areas, which is a cause for serious concern. He demanded that Revanth stop focusing on politics and instead concentrate on controlling the spread of dengue, malaria and other viral fevers in the state. He said that focusing on sanitation management would solve half the problems.