NALGONDA: Women and Child Welfare Minister Dansari Anasuya (Seethakka) said on Monday that as soon as information about the distribution of substandard eggs to the Mudirajwada Anganwadi centre in Bhuvangiri town came to the fore on August 22, the district welfare officer of the women and child welfare department probed the matter immediately. The retort comes after BRS leader KT Rama Rao underscored the issue on X on Monday. Seethakka stated that Rama Rao’s tweet coming four days after the departmental inquiry was completed shows his lack of awareness about issues.
A memo was issued to the contractor asking as to why the contract should not be cancelled. On August 23, the sector supervisor, teacher and helper gave a written explanation. Authorities stated that the explanation was unsatisfactory and suspended them the next day. The minister said that important instructions have been issued to ICDS authorities to prevent such incidents in the future and that monthly meetings for supervisors and helpers will begin to instruct the latter and monitor their performances.
She recalled that though many incidents of spoiled eggs in Anganwadis came to light during the previous government’s tenure, no action was taken by the BRS. Seethakka said over 18 lakh eggs are supplied to the centres daily and strict measures are taken. She warned that action will be taken against staff who neglected their duties and against contractors who supplied substan-dard materials.