HYDERABAD: Stressing the need for presenting a realistic Budget in the Assembly, Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has recalled the Satyam Computers episode and said it manipulated the accounts and got stuck in doldrums.
Replying to the debate on the vote-on-account Budget in the State Legislative Assembly on Thursday, Vikramarka said: “We have presented the Budget that is close to reality.”
Vikramarka said that the BRS government never presented a realistic Budget in its 10-year tenure.
“In the last nine Budgets it presented, the BRS government showed an expenditure of Rs 14,87,834 crore but in reality it spent only Rs 12,25,316 crore. Thus the gap was Rs 2,62,518 crore,” he said.
Presenting the year-wise allocations and spending of the BRS government, he said that in 2014-15, the government presented Rs 1 lakh crore Budget. “But it spent only Rs 62,306 crore and the gap was Rs 38,333 crore. In 2015-16, the Budget gap was Rs 17,878 crore and in 2016-17, it was Rs 8,600 crore. In 2020-21, the BRS presented the Budget with an outlay of Rs 1.82 lakh crore but spent only Rs 1.57 lakh crore and the gap was around Rs 25,000 crore,” he explained.
Stating that all the states in the country were presenting realistic Budgets, he said that Telangana stood second from the bottom as the gap between the estimates and the spending was huge in the state. Though Telangana is a rich state, the BRS government failed to spend the allocated money. The BRS government could not even pay the salaries to employees on time, he alleged.
The BRS government allocated Rs 17,000 crore for the Dalit Bandhu scheme but did not release the funds, he said.
Job calendar soon
Stating that the government has already started the recruitment process, Vikramarka said that the job calendar would be announced shortly. The job calendar would be released for recruitment every year, he added. Bhatti also said the government intends to implement all its guarantees without imposing any additional tax burden on the people.
Replying to a question, the deputy CM said that the government would come up with an action plan to curb the street dog menace. He said that the government would also take a decision on allotting the 2BHK houses soon.