HYDERABAD: Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy on Thursday directed the officials to immediately invite short notice tenders to restore the minor irrigation tanks and canals, which were damaged during recent rains and floods.
The minister directed the officials to start the tender process on Friday. In a video conference with officials from here, Uttam asked the officials to enumerate the losses that occurred to irrigation structures. He said that once the losses were enumerated, the government will release required funds for repairs.
While lauding the employees for working efficiently and with commitment during rains, he said that the government would not spare anyone who fails in discharging their duties. He asked the officials to regularly inspect the shutters, regulators and other components of the projects so as to avert any possible problems in future.
As sufficient water was available, the minister directed the officials to fill all the water bodies. Special Secretary Irrigation Rahul Bojja, engineer-in-chief Anil Kumar and others were present at the meeting.