How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately - 10 Natural Remedies

Being suddenly stricken with hair loss can be quite burdensome, but there are immediate actions that you can take to address the issue. In this guide, we will explore effective strategies and remedies for stopping hair loss quickly so that you can regain your confidence and have healthier hair.
How to Stop Hair Fall Immediately - 10 Natural Remedies

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Best Serum: Minimalist Hair Growth Serum With 3% Redensyl

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Causes of hair fall:

  • Both men and women are affected by hereditary hair loss (androgenetic alopecia).

  • Temporary hair shedding (telogen effluvium) can be caused by stress, illness and major life events.

  • Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause are examples of hormonal changes that affect hair growth.

  • Hair loss may result from nutrition deficiencies, particularly in terms of iron or protein.

  • Some hairstyles could cause traction alopecia if they are tied too tight.

  • Medications and medical conditions may provoke hair fall.

Hair fall control tips:

  • Ensure you eat a balanced diet that is full of nutrients.

  • Make sure your scalp is clean, and your hair is washed often.

  • Choose a mild shampoo and conditioner which suits the type of hair you have.

  • Stay away from heat-styling tools and chemicals that can damage your hair.

  • Learn how to manage stress through relaxation techniques.

  • Take enough water to keep yourself hydrated at all times.

  • Avoid tightly bound hairstyles, which can pull the scalp skin.

  • After washing your hair, use a wide-toothed comb to straighten it up.

  • Try to shield your hair from sun rays as well as tough environmental factors.

  • Use hair masks and coconut oil.

Home remedies for hair fall:

1. Scalp massage with coconut oil:

  • Ingredients: Extra virgin coconut oil

  • Benefits: Coconut oil feeds the head skin, diminishes dryness and triggers lock growth.

  • Preparation: Slightly heat some coconut oil (don’t let it overheat) so that you can rub it between your fingertips.

  • Application: Rub into the scalp, circling with fingers for five to ten minutes; concentrate on areas where there might be thinning hair or bald patches.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times per week.

  • Who should do this: All types of hairs, but if one is allergic to coconuts, then one should avoid it.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: Those having oily heads. 

2. Egg Mask for Hair Strengthening:

  • Ingredients: 1 egg, honey (one tablespoon), olive oil (optional)

  • Benefits: Protein in eggs is good for strengthening hair bulbs and promoting growth. Honey moisturises while adding shine to the hair.

  • Preparation: Mix the egg, honey, and olive oil (if desired) together until smooth

  • Application: Apply the mixture to the scalp and hair, covering all strands evenly. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes.

  • Frequency of use: Once per week

  • Who should do this: Any hair type, especially dry or damaged locks.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: People who have an allergy towards eggs.

3. Green Tea Rinse to Stimulate Growth:

  • Ingredients: 2 bags of green tea, one cup of hot water

  • Benefits: The antioxidants in green tea help foster healthy hair growth by reducing inflammation on the scalp.

  • Preparation: Steep both bags into boiling point water then let it cool down completely.

  • Application: Rinse off with this cooled solution after shampooing & conditioning without rinsing again.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times every week.

  • Who should do this: Anyone can try it, but those with dandruff or other scalp issues would benefit more from using it frequently.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: None known, but patch test if concerned about allergies.

4. Indian gooseberry (Amla) for hair growth:

  • Ingredients: 2-3 amla fruits, carrier oil (coconut or almond)

  • Benefits: It is packed with vitamin C, which triggers collagen production necessary for strengthening the hair follicles, thus preventing breakage.

  • Preparation: Squeeze the juice from the amla fruits. Mix equal quantities of the juice with any suitable carrier oil.

  • Application: Massage this blend into your scalp and hair, and then rinse off after thirty minutes.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times weekly

  • Who should do this: All hair types, especially those having fragile ones.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: None known, but patch test if concerned about allergies.

5. Fenugreek Seed Hair Mask for Moisturization:

  • Ingredients: two tablespoons full of fenugreek seeds and water

  • Benefits:  Proteins found within these seeds help moisturise dry scalps, thereby facilitating healthy growth of strands as well as nourishing them too due to their high content of nutrients required by such areas

  • Preparation: Soak them overnight, then grind them into a paste the next morning.

  • Application: Smear this mixture over your scalp and along each strand’s length, leaving it undisturbed for half an hour before washing it completely afterwards.

  • Frequency of use: 3 times minimum

  • Who should do this: A person whose hair has been damaged by being subjected to heat or exposed to cold conditions, thus becoming brittle and dull.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: Individuals suffering from eczema or psoriasis since fenugreek might irritate.

6. Onion Juice Treatment for Hair Growth:

  • Ingredients: Onions

  • Benefits: Onions are rich in sulphur, stimulating hair follicles and enhancing their growth.

  • Preparation: Grate or blend onions and squeeze out their juice.

  • Application: Gently massage the onion juice into your scalp without rubbing too hard. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo followed by water.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times per week

  • Who should do this: Those who have noticed that their hair is thinning or falling out more than usual

  • Who shouldn’t do it: People whose skin reacts badly when exposed to irritants or allergic reactions to onion juice.

7. Scalp Treatment with Aloe Vera Gel:

  • Ingredients: Aloe vera leaf juice

  • Benefits: Aloe vera comprises proteolytic enzymes that help foster new hair growth, reduce scalp inflammation and nourish the hair follicles.

  • Preparation: You can get pure aloe vera gel from your local store or extract fresh ones straight from its leaves.

  • Application: Rub it directly onto the scalp, then massage gently into the roots. Let it sit for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing off with water.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times weekly.

  • Who should do this: Anyone with dry or damaged hair can benefit from doing so.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: People with greasy or damaged hair types suffer from any form of allergy towards aloe vera-based products or have sensitive skin.

8. Hair Conditioning Yoghurt Mask:

  • Ingredients: Plain unsweetened yoghurt

  • Benefits: Yogurt contains proteins and lactic acid, which strengthen strands, making them shiny while improving hair's overall health.

  • Preparation: Take plain yoghourt in a bowl

  • Application: Apply evenly over damp hair starting at the roots down to the ends, cover with a cap or towel and leave it on for about 20-30 mins then rinse off using lukewarm water.

  • Frequency of use: Once per week

  • Who should do this: Those having dryness issues due to damage caused by chemical treatments such as colouring where additional moisture is needed deep within shafts.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: Individuals having oily scalps or being allergic to lactose should refrain from using dairy-based products on their heads.

9. Hair Growth by Hibiscus Flower Rinse: 

  • Ingredients: Hibiscus flowers, water

  • Benefits: The vitamins and antioxidants in hibiscus flowers can help build hair follicles, nourish the scalp and promote hair growth. 

  • Preparation: Boil hibiscus flowers in water to make a concentrated infusion. Let it cool down.

  • Application: Use hibiscus flower infusion as a final rinse after applying shampoo and conditioner. Massage into the scalp and hair and then rinse with water.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times per week

  • Who should do this: People who want to increase their rate of growth or those with weak/undernourished strands would benefit most from this treatment.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: Those who have sensitive skin or are allergic towards these types of flowers may experience an adverse reaction if they come into contact with them through direct application on their skin.

10. Hair Fall Prevention through Curry Leaf Hair Oil:

  • Ingredients: Curry leaves, coconut oil

  • Benefits: Curry leaves are abundant in antioxidants and proteins. They strengthen hair roots, prevent hair loss, and promote new hair growth.

  • Preparation: Heat some coconut oil and add curry leaves. Let them cook until they turn dark or brownish-black, then strain and cool the mixture before use.

  • Application: Massage this infused oil onto the scalp with gentle but firm circular motions for about 5 minutes. Following that, you may also cover all strands from root to tip. Keep it overnight or at least a few hours before washing it off using shampoo.

  • Frequency of use: 2-3 times per week

  • Who should do this: Anyone with hair fall issues or who wants hair growth can try this method.

  • Who shouldn’t do it: Allergy sufferers (from either coconut oils or curry leaves) should not attempt these steps.

Foods to eat to control hair fall:

  • Include protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, and lean meats.

  • Eat food rich in iron, such as spinach, lentils, and fortified cereals.

  • Have food that has omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, walnuts, & flaxseeds

  • Take vitamin E sources such as almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados.

  • Eat food high in biotin, e.g. nuts, sweet potatoes and eggs.

  • Have Vitamin-A-rich foods like carrots and sweet potatoes.

  • Consume zinc-rich foods like oysters, pumpkin seeds and chickpeas.

  • Take selenium sources like Brazil nuts, tuna and sunflower seeds.

  • Incorporate vitamin C-rich foods, such as oranges, strawberries and bell peppers.

  • Consume food with a lot of silica, like bananas, oats and cucumbers.

Foods to avoid:

  • You should minimise the amount of sugary foods and drinks you take.

  • Keep your processed and fried food consumption at bay.

  • Excessive caffeine and alcohol intake should be reduced.

  • Processed snacks, including fast foods, are high in sodium; one must avoid them.

  • Cut down on refined grains and sugary cereals.

  • If you are lactose intolerant, dairy products should be avoided in too much quantity.

  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and additives as part of your diet.

  • More than this, hydrogenated oils and trans fats must not become a regular item on your menu.

  • Spicy and oily food can cause certain health problems when eaten excessively.

  • One needs to keep a check on high-mercury fish like swordfish and king mackerel.

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While immediate results might take time, consistent effort with these tips can significantly improve hair health and reduce falls. Remember, a holistic approach is key. Addressing underlying causes, adopting gentle hair care practices, and nourishing your body from within will put your hair back on the path to strength and shine.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can hair grow back after thinning?

If one follows the correct hair care, lifestyle routine, and, at times, medical interventions, they can regain their lost hair.

2. What is the best treatment for hair falling out?

The best remedy for hair loss is determined by its cause but can be addressed by medication, topical treatments, laser therapy, and hair transplant surgery.

3. What does a dermatologist do for hair loss?

A dermatologist can diagnose the cause of hair loss in many ways, including medical history, physical examination, blood work, and scalp biopsy. Sometimes, they may suggest treatments such as oral or topical medications or procedures like platelet-rich plasma therapy.

4. How can I stop hair loss naturally?

To prevent hair loss, consume a balanced diet that contains vitamins and minerals. Also, individuals should consider reducing stress, avoiding harsh treatment on their heads, using softening agents designed to care for hair locks, and improving general hygiene of the scalp area. Introducing natural remedies like massaging essential oils into the scalp or using onion juice on the head will also stimulate hair growth.

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