MUMBAI: Markets regulator Sebi has said all the concerns raised by its employees shall be addressed “amicably through internal channels”, and the statement issued earlier this month after employee complaints stands withdrawn.
A day after their protest at the headquarters, on September 4, the Sebi had officially issued a statement saying all the allegations made in the letters were unfounded and instigated by some outside elements to secure their own interests.
“The Sebi addresses employee-related matters through appropriate internal mechanisms. Following constructive discussions with representatives of all grades of officers, Sebi and its employees have reaffirmed that such issues are strictly internal and will be managed in accordance with the organisation’s high standards of governance and within a time-bound framework,” Sebi said in a statement issued on Monday.
It said the employees have strongly condemned the unauthorised release of internal communication and have confirmed that all concerns shall be addressed amicably through established internal channels. The earlier statement, which now stands withdrawn, was issued on September 4 after around 200 of its officers took out a protest march.
The release had said that the employees were being instigated by external elements to “go to the media, go to the ministry, go to the Sebi board perhaps to serve their external elements’ own purpose.” It also referred to a letter that “a group of Sebi employees” had sent to the HRD on August 6, and a second letter they had sent seven days later.