BENGALURU: Frustrated by frequent arguments with her husband, a 32-year-old woman allegedly strangled him to death with a mobile charging cable. It has been reported that she is in an illicit relationship with her colleague, who is also a suspect in the crime. The incident occurred around 3 pm on Friday, when Tejaswini called Gajendra, with whom she allegedly has an illicit relationship, to her home in Hagaduru, Whitefield.
Sources indicated that the two had been in contact through their work at a private sales company, where they called people to collect EMIs and process loans. The two used to work from home and frequently met in person. Mahesh, brother of the deceased, had previously warned them about their interactions.
Mahesh, an auto driver, and Tejaswini, who were married for about 14 years, frequently argued over financial matters. They often called the local police station to report their disputes.
On Friday, when Mahesh arrived home, he again argued with Tejaswini. Later, Tejaswini and Gajendra used a phone charging cable and strangled Mahesh. The police have arrested the duo for murder.