CHENNAI: The Chennai-based start-up Space Zone India, which is scheduled to launch its reusable hybrid rocket from the city on Saturday, may soon venture into commercial rocket launches to place small satellites in low earth orbit.
Saturday’s launch will be a sub-orbital mission where a Rhumi-1 single-stage rocket with a hybrid propulsion system will place 3 CubeSats and 50 Pico satellites at an altitude of 35 km. The altitude would vary depending on weather conditions like wind, humidity etc., at the time of launch.
Anand Megalingam, CEO, Space Zone India, told TNIE that the rocket, which is the first of its kind in India, is fully integrated and all the checks are done. Jose Charles Martin, managing director, Martin Group said, “We are always on the lookout for innovative ventures that push the boundaries of technology and contribute to a better future. Supporting Space Zone India aligns perfectly with our vision.”