Blooms of Bougainvillea for February

This is one of the best choices for those who want a striking plant with minimal maintenance.
Blooms of Bougainvillea for February
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2 min read

Oh! February is here! Everywhere you look — road dividers, parks, and gardens — bougainvillea is bursting into vibrant blooms, putting on its most stunning display of the year. But if your bougainvillea at home looks nothing like this, refusing to flower or grow as expected, are you wondering what’s missing? Keep reading to unlock the secret to a thriving, flower-laden bougainvillea!

Why grow bougainvillea?

Bougainvillea is one of the best choices for those who want a striking plant with minimal maintenance. Its bold, colourful blooms look stunning against walls and trellises, instantly enhancing the aesthetics of any space. It’s also highly drought-tolerant, making it perfect for warm, dry regions where other flowering plants may struggle.

What does the bougainvillea need to thrive?

Sunlight, sunlight, and more sunlight! Flowering plants need at least 5-6 hours of direct sun to truly flourish. When it comes to watering, let the soil dry out between waterings — aim for once every 2-3 days. There’s no exact formula, but water when the topsoil feels dry and powdery to the touch. As for fertiliser, now is the perfect time to feed your plant! Use NPK and seaweed solution to give it a boost.

Common issues, fixes

A common problem with bougainvillea is a lack of flowers, usually caused by insufficient sunlight. To fix this, move the plant to a location where it gets at least six hours of direct sun daily. Overwatering can also be an issue, leading to root rot and weak growth. Let the soil dry out completely before watering again. Sometime, deep pruning the plant also helps.

Propagation tips

Bougainvillea is easily propagated through stem cuttings. Take a healthy six-inch cutting, dip the cut end in rooting hormone, and plant it in well-draining soil. Keep it in a warm, bright spot, and within a few weeks, new growth should appear.

Super tip

Pruning before spring encourages fresh growth and abundant flowering. Adding a trellis or allowing the plant to climb a boundary wall will create a dramatic visual effect when the blooms appear.

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