Shreyas, the first member of his family to enter the film industry, takes immense pride in his first film as an actor, Genius Muttha, which also marks the directorial debut of Nagini Bharana. The teenager sees this project as a significant milestone and credits his parents for their immense support in realising his acting dream.
“My parents always encouraged me to explore cinema. They would often ask, ‘Why don’t you try your hand at acting?’” Shreyas recalls. Their encouragement led him to audition for several films, despite the fact that he faced multiple rejections. “There were moments of frustration, and I even thought it might be too late to continue,” he admits as he looks forward to the release of his film on August 9.
The turning point for Shreyas came when his mother decided to produce Genius Muttha, reigniting his hopes in the acting world. “This opportunity allowed me to pursue further cinematic education under Nagabharana uncle,” Shreyas explains. “From him, I learnt many aspects of film craft, including framework and dialogue delivery.” This training proved invaluable, helping him perform effectively in a single take during the shoot. Genius Muttha features a stellar cast, including Vijay Raghavendra, Girija Lokesh, TS Nagabharana, Sunder Raj, and Pannaga Bharana, all providing tremendous support.
Shreyas fondly recalls watching the film Chinnari Mutha two years ago, without any inkling that he would one day make his acting debut under Nagabharana’s direction. “I was deeply impressed by Nagabharana’s uncle’s adventurous spirit and Vijay anna’s (Vijay Raghavendra) performance. At that time, Vijay was around twelve years old, and his acting in Chinnari Mutha was exceptional,” he says. This experience left a lasting impression on him, leading him to revisit many old films.
Before Genius Muttha began, Shreyas notes that some preliminary preparation was done by director Nagini Bharana. “The complete story wasn’t revealed at first, but I gradually understood that it is a film with a strong narrative. There’s no doubt that it’s an inspiring movie,” he adds.
Beyond acting, Shreyas has always been passionate about learning new skills, and from a young age, he has had a keen interest in sports, especially cricket. “I don’t set high expectations from the film industry. If a good role comes my way, I’ll take it. Otherwise, cricket remains my primary focus, followed by cinema,” he concludes.