Chandrajith Beliappa’s directorial debut, Ibbani Tabbida Ileyali, backed by Rakshit Shetty’s Paramvah Studios, (Rakshit Shetty and GS Gupta) now has a release date. The romantic film, starring Vihaan and Ankita Amar, is set to hit theatres on September 5, coinciding with the Gowri and Ganesha festival.
Ibbani Tabbida Ileyali aims to capture the essence of classic romance while exploring its contemporary relevance and enduring appeal. The film has already unveiled three romantic tracks. Director Chandrajith Beliappa, a former writer for acclaimed films like Avane Srimannarayana and Kirik Party as part of Rakshit Shetty’s 7 Odds writing team, previously helmed the Rainbow story in Katha Sangama.
Actor Girija Shettar (Geethanjali) is making a comeback with the film. The cast also includes Mayuri Nataraj, Aniruddh Bhatt, and Damini Dhanraj in pivotal roles. Ibbani Tabbida Ileyali will feature music composed by Gagan Baderiya, VFX handled by Pinaka Studios, and cinematography by Srivathsan Selvarajan.