Director Rajesh Murthy, known for his work on films like Shadyantra, Red, and others, is bringing a suspense and fantasy film to the screen titled Dinku. This will be his tenth directorial venture.
In this film, Rajesh Murthy’s son, Yashaswa, who is also the grandson of the Kannada producer and cinematographer HMK Murthy, takes on the lead role. Yashaswa, who made his debut in the film Agniloka, has written the story, screenplay, and dialogues for Dinku, his second film.
Interestingly, the film features Sanidhi, but the central character is a talking puppet named Dinku. While it incorporates elements of suspense and comedy, it is not a horror film. Dinku was shot around Bangalore, and the editing is complete, with dubbing in the final stages.
The film’s story revolves around a series of events involving a young woman who runs a puppet show and her beloved puppet, Dinku.
The film is produced by Nela Mahesh and Navy Manju. It features four action sequences composed by Girish AP, and Nitish Kumar has composed music for two of its songs. The makers plan to release Dinku in September.