Roopa Rao, known for her acclaimed film Gantumoote and her recent production Kenda directed by Sahadev Kelavadi, is making a return to direction with her new project, Gochara. The film has already piqued interest with its mysterious vibe and travel-themed hints in its poster.
The title Gochara sparked speculation about whether it could be a sequel to her earlier work. Although specific details are still under wraps, the film’s poster suggests a narrative centred around travel. Roopa Rao shared her excitement about the project on social media, stating,
“This is one the most challenging stories that has occurred to me so far. ‘Gochara’, the title also showed itself. Sharing this with my extended world here as a sign of my commitment to the universe, that we will make this film happen with complete surrender soon. ‘You can find only when you move’.”
While Gantumoote explored life’s baggage from a female perspective and Kenda tackled political satire with a crime twist, Gochara is expected to be given a fresh narrative. Kenda received praise and recognition at various film festivals.
Currently, the team has finalised the locations and the story, and they are in the process of casting the remaining roles. With Roopa Rao and Sahadev Kelavadi producing the film under Ameyukti Studios, Sahadev will also be a part of with Gochara as the cinematographer.