BHOPAL: After Karnataka, the ‘no Hijab in schools’ controversy now seems to have reached another BJP-ruled Madhya Pradesh now. Supporting the ban on wearing Hijab in schools, Madhya Pradesh school education minister Inder Singh Parmar said on Tuesday that the state government will soon decide on the issue of banning Hijab in schools.
“Hijab isn’t part of school uniform, which is why wearing it should be banned in schools. Traditions need to be followed by people at their homes and not at schools. We’re working on strict enforcement of dress code at schools,” he minister said to media queries over the raging controversy on Hijab at schools in Karnataka.
When questioned by journalists about whether wearing of Hijab in schools will be banned in Madhya Pradesh also, the minister said if need arose the issue will be examined and a decision on it will be taken soon. However, with his backing of a ban on Hijab sparking a political controversy, Parmar said his department is working at strictly enforcing dress code from the new academic session.
“The school education department is working at strictly enforcing dress code in all schools from next academic session, as it ensures a sense of equality among students, helps in enforcing discipline as well as gives identity to each and every school.”
The Congress termed the remark as an example of BJP’s “mental bankruptcy” and accused the government and the minister of working on a divisive agenda even in schools. “The minister needs to tell us what is his priority, working on proper functioning of schools amid the pandemic, improving quality of education or pursuing the agenda of communal divide,” Congress spokesperson Abbas Hafiz said.