RANCHI: Amid the alleged attempts being made by senior party leader and former Jharkhand Chief Minister Champai Soren, state Health Minister Banna Gupta has termed him a ‘Vibhishan’ saying that whenever the history of Jharkhand will be written; Champai Soren’s name will be recorded as ‘Vibhishan.’ Chief Minister Hemant Soren, however, expressed his ignorance over Champai Soren’s move, and said that he not been told anything by him.
“Who is annoyed from whom? Champia Da never told anything to me,” said Hemant Soren over a question raised by media persons.
Notably, Champai Soren had poured his heart out on social media platform X on Sunday saying that he felt broken for the first time in the last four decades citing the day after Hul Diwas on June 30, when all his programmes had been cancelled by the party leadership. He said that he was being humiliated and ridiculed by the JMM, Champai further said that a new chapter of his life is going to start from today, and he has kept all options open for him.
Meanwhile, Congress Minister Banna Gupta, through a press release, came down heavily on Champai Soren. “Whenever the history of Jharkhand will be written, Champai Soren’s name will be recorded as Vibhishan. He was trying to break the government by rejecting the party and the land that gave him everything by mortgaging his self-respect,” he said.
“Guruji pulled an ordinary man (Champai Soren) out of Jamshedpur; gave him recognition, respect and all possible help. He also gave him a position next to his own in the party and was made a minister whenever JMM formed a government, besides giving him an MP ticket,” said Banna Gupta. Guruji respected every decision taken by him, but in return, Champai tried to push the state into the quandary of opportunism, he added.
BJP also questioned Banna Gupta that if Champai is a ‘Vibhishan,’ then they should also declare the name of ‘Ravana’ in the ruling alliance and question people how long they will continue with the anarchy created by the ‘Ravana.’