MUMBAI: A private helicopter AW 139 on Saturday crashed in Paud village in Pune district. Among the four people on board, three were found safe, while the captain is in critical condition.
The helicopter was travelling from Juhu, Mumbai to Hyderabad. It belongs to a private aviation company Global Vectra. The captain, Anand, has been sent to Sadar Hospital after sustaining injuries. Three other passengers who were on the helicopter have been identified as Dhir Bhatia, Amardeep Singh, and SP Ram. They are in a stable condition.
Pune is experiencing heavy rain and strong winds. It is being speculated that the incident might have occurred due to the strong winds or bad weather.
“A private helicopter crashed near Paud village in Pune district. The helicopter belongs to a private aviation company. It was going from Mumbai to Hyderabad, 4 people were travelling in the helicopter, assessment of any injuries is being looked into,” Pankaj Deshmukh, superintendent of police (Pune Rural)
The eye witness to this helicopter crash at Paund village said that he along with other people were working in their field when they heard a loud voice.
“When we closely saw in the fog, the helicopter was falling after the crash. We rushed and tried to help the people who were in the helicopter. We tried to speak to the pilot and injured people and provided water and other things,” said a villager.
He said they had no stretcher so they brought some rough cloth and made the stretcher to take the pilot to a nearby hospital for treatment.