When Cupid's arrow struck: Couple tie knot after falling in love at Guwahati old age home

Jayaprabha was mesmerised by the voice of Padmeswar who is passionate about singing Bihu and Hindi songs.
Padmeswar Goala and Jayaprabha Bora (Photo | Special arrangement)
Padmeswar Goala and Jayaprabha Bora (Photo | Special arrangement)
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GUWAHATI: Thousands of guests turned up to witness an elderly couple celebrate their love by exchanging vows here on Friday.

A group of women helped Jayaprabha Bora (65) get ready for the wedding solemnised at “Matri Niwas” (Mothers’ Home) in Mathgharia locality of Guwahati. She looked gorgeous in her wedding outfit – a mekhela sador. Padmeswar Goala (71) looked equally dashing.

All rituals in an Assamese marriage were followed. The wedding generated a lot of excitement among city denizens and they donated generously in cash or kind.

The couple, who never married before, are inmates of Pramod Talukdar Memorial Old Age Home in the city’s Beltola area. The woman was shifted to Matri Niwas for the wedding. Both facilities are run by an NGO “Monalisha Society”.

Utpal Harshavardhan, secretary of the home, told The New Indian Express that they were eagerly waiting for the occasion.

“The two of them wanted to get married. We fulfilled their wishes,” Utpal said, adding, “The wedding was solemnised with public fundings. Around 4,000 guests had turned up. We served food to each one of them.”

The elderly couple met each other at the home in March last year. Cupid’s arrow struck Jayaprabha in no time. She was mesmerised by the voice of Padmeswar who is passionate about singing Bihu and Hindi songs. He fondly calls her “Jan” and she calls him “Babu”.

“I love to listen to his songs and he loves my company. We don’t know when we fell in love with each other. We shared everything with Utpal. He and others fixed the marriage,” Jayaprabha said.

Padmeswar, who hails from Bokakhat in Golaghat district, grew up by working as a domestic help. Jayaprabha is from Tezpur in Sonitpur district. She moved to the home in January last year after the demise of her two brothers.

“Granny fell in love with grandpa after listening to his renditions. Another factor that took her closer to him is his care for her,” said Utpal, adding, “Both will live together at the home. We have provided a room. Grandpa has decked it up.”

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