Recently I was at a meeting in which like- and unlike-minded people put forth their views on a notified topic. The topic in discussion was astrology and its importance as a beacon for the hassled human being. As it was a free-for-all discussion, it gathered momentum in no time and with minimum formalities.
A close buddy of mine declared he had no faith in astrology and its intricacies, and that he was resigned to his fate, come what may. Thereupon a budding astrologer barged in on the rest. His points were attention-grabbing but little did he realise that they were contradictory as well! He explained that one’s life is divided into various dashas or periods that influence happenings. When I ventured to ask him if positive thinking could not overcome setbacks, which were ostensibly due to the dashas, he declared that the Shani, Rahu and Kethu never allow optimistic thinking and instead fill the mind with negative thoughts. An ominous silence prevailed after this brief categorical remark.
The brooding silence was broken by another member, an avid stock market player, who noted that he had consulted various astrologers regarding the planetary position in his horoscope. He had been advised to stay away from stock markets as Shani’s influence on him at the time was powerful. But, he confided, he had gone ahead and taken the “bull” by the horns but ended up being squeezed by the almighty “bear”. I confronted him asking why he had not taken the advice. Before he could utter a syllable the practising astrologer (referred to as pa henceforth) jumped to his defence, observing that Shani had taken over his faculties and made him do what he did. An eminent educationist retorted what use then was of consulting astrologers if one was powerless to pay heed to their advice! The pa replied that by performing some rituals, the ruling dashapathis could be appeased and the ill-effects mitigated.
At this point another participant remarked that he had punctiliously followed the rituals prescribed by his astrologer for his troubles but they had brought him no positive result, but made him poorer by a few thousand bucks and forcing him to face endless bickering with his “better turned bitter” half! Pat came the answer from the pa that the rituals would have warded off some greater unbeknownst evil. I wondered that either way astrology was winning.
Finally as if to wind up the discussion, the pa declared with a wave of his hand that ultimately what God has ordained for each is bound to happen and it is to be accepted as a gift from God. Nobody dared question him on the role of astrology amidst such a truism.
I was reminded of a saying — bandidella barali bhagavanthana daye irali, meaning “come what may, God be our saviour”.
The debate for and against astrology has rolled over to our next meeting! Till then que sera sera, enna avodo avad and so on.