Birsa Munda Tribal University inaugurated in Narmada district

Vadodara, Oct 14 (PTI) Gujarat Minister of State forTribal Welfare Shabdasharan Tadvi today inaugurated theBirsa Munda Tribal University in the tri...
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Vadodara, Oct 14 (PTI) Gujarat Minister of State forTribal Welfare Shabdasharan Tadvi today inaugurated theBirsa Munda Tribal University in the tribal dominatedRajpipla town in Narmada district about 90 kms from here.

At present the university will function from thepremises of Adarsh Nivasi Shala for a temporary period andlater it will be shift to 25 acres of land at Jitnagar villageon the outskirt of Rajpipla.

The Gujarat Assembly had in the month of May last,passed a bill to set up the Birsa Munda Tribal University atRajpipla in Narmada district of central Gujarat.

Tadvi, who represents Rajpipla assembly constituency,said the new university would offer graduation, post-graduation, diploma and certificate courses covering thesubjects of Arts, Commerce, Science, Traditional Art andSkill, Herbal Medicine, Sanskrit and so on.

Because of this university, 90 lakh tribals in thestate will get access to university education, the ministersaid. PTI CORRMT.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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