Kirana: Prices of select spices drifted lower at theKirana: Prices of select spices drifted lower at thewholesale kirana market in the national cap...
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Kirana: Prices of select spices drifted lower at theKirana: Prices of select spices drifted lower at thewholesale kirana market in the national capital during theweek, dragged down by muted buying activity due to fall indemand and closed with widespread losses.

Sentiments turned weak owing to adequate stocks positionfollowing increased arrivals from producing belts.

Marketmen said reduced offtake by retailers as well asexporters as demand eased at existing levels, weighed on theprices.

Cardamom brown --Jhundiwali and Kanchicut -- pricesdrifted lower by up to Rs 30 to conclude at Rs 530-540 andRs 580-900 per kg, respectively.

Cardamom small varieties such as chitridar, colour robin,bold and extra bold declined up to Rs 25 to finish at Rs1,040-1,140, Rs 900-920, Rs 970-980 and Rs 1,100-1,120 per kg,respectively.

Cloves eased by Rs 5 to conclude at Rs 525-615 per kg.

Coriander slipped Rs 100 to settle at Rs 5,200-11,600per quintal.

Dry ginger and kalaunji traded lower at Rs 12,300-16,800and Rs 8,200-8,400 from last week's close of Rs 12,500-17,000and Rs 8,300-8,500 per quintal, respectively.

Red chilli and turmeric prices fell up to Rs 200 tofinish at Rs 4,900-11,400 and Rs 8,400-11,500 per quintal,respectively.

Jeera common and jeera best quality also lost up to Rs300 to end at Rs 19,300-19,500 and Rs 21,400-21,700 perquintal, respectively, owing to muted domestic as well asexport demand.

On the other hand, prices of black pepper were higher atRs 440-650 instead of Rs 420-630 per kg on restricted arrivalsfrom Kerala.

Poppyseed (China, U.P and MP-RAJ) also increased by Rs 20each to end at Rs 420-440, Rs 425-440 and Rs 460-470 per kg,respectively. (MORE) PTI DP SUN ADIMKJ.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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