I hope one day to get a best actor Oscar: Jackie Chan

Los Angeles, Oct 14 (PTI) Action star Jack Chan has saidhopes to win the Academy Award for Best Actor one day.The 63-year-old star already has the...
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Los Angeles, Oct 14 (PTI) Action star Jack Chan has saidhopes to win the Academy Award for Best Actor one day.

The 63-year-old star already has the Oscar for LifeAchievement in his kitty, which he received last year.

Chan, who is a crowd-puller to the theatres, said at thispoint in his life he wants to concentrate on the content inhis films.

"Right now, for me, it's not about box office. What'smore important is the audience. I've been working so hard forall these years in the film business. I wanted to prove thatI'm a good stunt man, I'm a good stunt coordinator, I'm a gooddirector, I'm a good producer, that I can write.

"Now, I want them to say, 'That Jackie, he is a goodactor.' After I got a life achievement Oscar, I want to get -I hope one day to get - a best actor Oscar," he told TheHollywood Reporter.

"The Foreigner" actor said today with advanced technologyin Hollywood, anyone can transform into an action star.

"How many action stars today stay in the film business?They're gone. Look at Hollywood today and the technology theymake. Everybody's superwoman, they can make everybody anaction star. Even some stars, they don't know how to fight,but they can make them like an action stars. One day, when I'mold and I cannot fight anymore, they still can make me actionstar. But acting is still important," he said. PTI RDSRDS.

This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.

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