Man arrested for killing 4-yr-old on advice of 'tantrik'
Mathura, Oct 14 (PTI) A man has been arrested forallegedly killing his four-year-old nephew on the advice of anoccultist, the police said today.
Devendra alias Kanjar was arrested yesterday fromSujavali village in the district, they said.
"He has confessed to have killed his nephew Amit on theadvice of a 'tantrik'," Superintendent of Police (SP) AdityaKumar Shukla said.
The accused also said that he had visited the tantrik ashe wanted to have a boy child, the officer claimed, addingthat Devendra hid the victim's body in a pit after killing himwith a brick.
The boy's father, Tejpal, in his complaint had said thathis son went missing on October 6 evening when he was playingin front of his home, the SP said.
Suspicion grew after Devendra claimed that he had foundthe body when villagers were searching for the boy, Shuklasaid. PTI CORRANB.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.