Summary of observations recorded at 0830 hrs:Favourable conditions are developing for further withdrawal ofsouthwest monsoon from remaining parts of northwest India,some more parts of central and western India and some parts ofeastern India during next 24 hours. The withdrawal linecontinues to pass through Lat.28.5°N/Long.81.0°E, Kheri,Nowgong, Shajapur, Ahmedabad and Dwarka, Lat. 22 °N/ Long.
65°E and Lat. 22 °N/ Long. 60°E. The cyclonic circulationextending upto 4.5 kms a. s. l over southwest and adjoiningsoutheast Bay of Bengal now lies over southwest Bay of Bengaland neighbourhood. The east- west shear zone extending between5.8 & 7.6 kms a. s. l. now runs roughly along Lat. 12°N. Underthe influence of the cyclonic circulation over southwest Bayof Bengal and neighbourhood and the east- west shear zoneroughly along Lat. 12°N, a low pressure area is likely to formover eastcentral Bay of Bengal and neighbourhood during next48 hours. Subsequently, it is very likely to concentrate intoa depression and move northwestwards reaching Odisha andadjoining Andhra Pradesh coast by 19th October 2017. Thetrough from east Bihar to Chhattisgarh now runs fromSub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim to Chhattisgarh andextends upto 1.5 kms a. s. l. The cyclonic circulation overnortheast Arabian Sea and adjoining Konkan and Gujarat nowlies over north Konkan – south Gujarat Region & neighbourhoodand extends upto 0.9 km a. s.l. The cyclonic circulation overeastcentral and adjoining southeast Arabian Sea has becomeunimportant. A cyclonic circulation extending upto 1.5 kmsa s l. lies over central Pakistan and neighbourhood. Anothercyclonic circulation extending upto 0.9 km a. s. l. lies overRayalaseema and neighbourhood. The western disturbance as acyclonic circulation extending between 3.1 & 4.5 kms a. s. lover north Pakistan and adjoining Jammu and Kashmir now liesover northeast Jammu and Kashmir and neighbourhood. System islikely to move east-northeastwards. The cyclonic circulationover Myanmar and adjoining Nagaland-Manipur-Mizoram-Tripurahas become less marked.
In the regions from where the southwest Monsoon haswithdrawn: Day temperatures were appreciably to markedly abovenormal in some parts of west Rajasthan; appreciably abovenormal in some parts of Uttarakhand, Haryana, HimachalPradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, east Rajasthan and of Gujaratstate and were above normal in some parts of Punjab and inremaining parts of east Rajasthan. They were normal over therest of the region. The highest maximum temperature recordedwas 41.2 °C at Jaisalmer (west Rajasthan).
Night temperatures were below normal in some parts ofeast Rajasthan. They were appreciably above normal in someparts of Uttarakhand, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, west Rajasthanand of west Madhya Pradesh and above normal in some parts ofwest Uttar Pradesh and in remaining parts of Rajasthan and ofwest Madhya Pradesh. They were normal over the rest of theregion. The lowest minimum temperature recorded was 16.5°C atBhilwara and Sikar (east Rajasthan).
The southwest Monsoon has been vigorous over Assam &Meghalaya and active over Sub-Himalayan West Bengal & Sikkim.
It has been subdued over Gangetic West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh,east Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. PTIRYS.
This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Press Trust of India wire.